Technological Education

Technological Education

TIJ1O Exploring Technologies, Grade 9 (Open)

This course enables students to further explore and develop technological knowledge and skills introduced in the elementary science and technology program. Students will be given the opportunity to design and create products and/or provide services related to the various technological areas or industries, working with a variety of tools, equipment and software commonly used in industry. Students will develop an awareness of environmental and societal issues and will begin to explore secondary and postsecondary education and training pathways leading to careers in technology-related fields.

Prerequisite: None


Communications Technology

TGJ2O Communications Technology, Grade 10 (Open)

This course introduces students to communications technology from a media perspective. Students will work in the areas of TV/video and movie production, radio and audio production, print and graphic communications, photography, and interactive new media and animation. Student projects may include computer-based activities such as creating videos, editing photos, working with audio, cartooning, developing animations, and designing web pages. Students will also develop an awareness of environmental and societal issues related to communications technology, and will explore secondary and postsecondary education and training pathways and career opportunities in the various communications technology fields.

Prerequisite: None

TGJ3O Communication Technology: Broadcast and Print Production, Grade 11 (Open)

This course enables students to develop knowledge and skills in the areas of graphic communication, printing and publishing, audio and video production, and broadcast journalism. Students will work both independently and as part of a production team to design and produce media products in a project-driven environment. Practical projects may include the making of signs, yearbooks, video and/or audio productions, newscasts, and documentaries. Students will also develop an awareness of related environmental and societal issues and explore secondary and post-secondary education and training pathways and career opportunities in the various communications technology fields.

Prerequisite: None

TGJ3M Communications Technology, Grade 11 (University/College Preparation)

This course examines communications technology from a media perspective. Students will develop knowledge and skills as they design and produce media projects in the areas of live, recorded, and graphic communications. These areas may include TV, video, and movie production; radio and audio production; print and graphic communications; photography; digital imaging; broadcast journalism; and interactive new media. Students will also develop an awareness of related environmental and societal issues, and will explore college and university programs and career opportunities in the various communications technology fields.

Prerequisite: None

TGP3M Communications Technology: Photography and Digital Imaging, Grade 11 (University/College)

This course focuses on the use of digital photography to explore a wide range of creative composition skills and technical aspects of photography. Students will gain an appreciation of industry standard software, the development of digital photography, trends in industry and related careers. This course is designed to allow students to choose the appropriate pathway to their post-secondary career choice. This course will focus on digital photography techniques and electronic image manipulation, and will display student projects at school and community photography shows.

Prerequisite: None

TGV3O Communications Technology: TV and Video Production, Grade 11 (University/College)

This course examines communications technology from a media perspective. Students will develop knowledge and skills as they design and produce media projects in the areas of live, recorded, and graphic communications. These areas may include TV, video, and movie production; radio and audio production; print and graphic communications; photography; digital imaging; broadcast journalism; and interactive new media. Students will also develop an awareness of related environmental and societal issues and explore college and university programs and career opportunities in the various communications technology fields. This exciting course introduces students to the skills and theory involved in television broadcasting and movie-making, including script writing, the production of commercials, dramatic presentations and multi-camera productions which may be presented on local television, the Internet, and at school community functions.

Prerequisite: None

TGJ4O Communication Technology: Communications Technology: Digital Imagery and Web Design, Grade 12 (Open)

This course enables students to develop knowledge and skills in the areas of photography, digital imaging, animation, 3D modelling, and web design. Students will work both independently and as part of a production team to design and produce media products in a project-driven environment. Practical projects may include photo galleries, digital images, animations, 3D models, and websites. Students will also expand their awareness of environmental and societal issues related to communications technology, and will explore postsecondary education, training, and career opportunities.

Prerequisite: None

TGJ4M Communications Technology, Grade 12 (University/College Preparation)

This course enables students to further develop media knowledge and skills while designing and producing projects in the areas of live, recorded, and graphic communications. Students may work in the areas of TV, video, and movie production; radio and audio production; print and graphic communications; photography; digital imaging; broadcast journalism; and interactive new media. Students will also expand their awareness of environmental and societal issues related to communications technology, and will investigate career opportunities and challenges in a rapidly changing technological environment.

Prerequisite: TGJ3M, Communications Technology, Grade 11, University/College Preparation

TGP4M Communications Technology: Photography and Digital Imaging, Grade 12 (University/College)

This course focuses on the use of digital photography to explore a wide range of creative composition skills and technical aspects of photography. Students will gain an appreciation of industry standard software, the development of digital photography, trends in industry and related careers. This course is designed to allow students to choose the appropriate pathway to their post-secondary career choice. This course will focus on advanced digital photography techniques and electronic image manipulation, and will display student projects at school and community photography shows.

Recommendation: One of the following: TGP3M1, TGJ3M1

TGV4M Communications Technology: TV and Video Production, Grade 12 (University/College)

This course enables students to further develop media knowledge and skills while designing and producing projects in the areas of live, recorded, and graphic communications. Students may work in the areas of TV, video, and movie production; radio and audio production; print and graphic communications; photography; digital imaging; broadcast journalism; and interactive new media. Students will also expand their awareness of environmental and societal issues related to communications technology and will investigate career opportunities and see the appropriate pathway to their post-secondary career choice.

Recommendation: One of the following: TGV3M1, TGJ3M1



TCJ2O Construction Technology, Grade 10 (Open)

This course introduces students to building materials and processes through opportunities to design and build various construction projects. Students will learn to create and read working drawings; become familiar with common construction materials, components, and processes; and perform a variety of fabrication, assembly, and finishing operations. They will use a variety of hand and power tools and apply knowledge of imperial and metric systems of measurement, as appropriate. Students will develop an awareness of environmental and societal issues related to construction technology, and will explore secondary and postsecondary pathways leading to careers in the industry.

Prerequisite: None

TCJ3C Construction Engineering Technology, Grade 11 (College)

This course focuses on the development of knowledge and skills related to residential construction. Students will gain hands-on experience using a variety of construction materials, processes, tools, and equipment; learn about building design and planning construction projects; create and interpret working drawings and sections; and learn how the Ontario Building Code and other regulations and standards apply to construction projects. Students will also develop an awareness of environmental and societal issues related to construction technology, and will explore career opportunities in the field.

Prerequisite: None
Recommended Prerequisite: TCJ20, Construction Technology, Grade 10

TWJ3E Custom Woodworking, Grade 11 (Workplace)

This course enables students to develop knowledge and skills related to cabinet making and furniture making. Students will gain practical experience using a variety of the materials, tools, equipment, and joinery techniques associated with custom woodworking. Students will learn to create and interpret technical drawings and will plan, design, and fabricate projects. They will also develop an awareness of environmental and societal issues related to the woodworking industry, and will explore apprenticeships, postsecondary training, and career opportunities in the field that may be pursued directly after graduation.

Prerequisite: None

Recommended Prerequisite: TCJ20, Construction Technology, Grade 10

TCJ4C Construction Engineering Technology, Grade 12 (College)

This course enables students to further develop knowledge and skills related to residential construction and to explore light commercial construction. Students will gain hands-on experience using a variety of materials, processes, tools, and equipment, and will learn more about building design and project planning. They will continue to create and interpret construction drawings and will extend their knowledge of construction terminology and of relevant building codes and regulations, as well as health and safety standards and practices. Students will also focus on environmental and societal issues related to construction engineering technology, and will explore career opportunities in the field.

Prerequisite: TCJ3C, Construction Engineering Technology, Grade 11, College Preparation

TWJ4E Custom Woodworking, Grade 12 (Workplace)

This course enables students to further develop knowledge and skills related to the planning, design, and construction of residential and/or commercial cabinets and furniture. Students will gain further experience in the safe use of common woodworking materials, tools, equipment, finishes, and hardware, and will learn about the entrepreneurial skills needed to establish and operate a custom woodworking business. Students will also expand their awareness of health and safety issues and environmental and societal issues related to woodworking, and will explore career opportunities that may be pursued directly after graduation.

Prerequisite: TWJ3E, Custom Woodworking, Grade 11, Workplace Preparation



TMJ2O Manufacturing Technology, Grade 10 (Open)

This course introduces students to the manufacturing industry by giving them an opportunity to design and fabricate products using a variety of processes, tools, and equipment. Students will learn about technical drawing, properties and preparation of materials, and manufacturing techniques. Student projects may include a robotic challenge, a design challenge, or a fabrication project involving processes such as machining, welding, vacuum forming, or injection moulding. Students will develop an awareness of environmental and societal issues related to manufacturing, and will learn about secondary and postsecondary pathways leading to careers in the industry.

Prerequisite: None

TMJ3E Manufacturing Technology, Grade 11 (Workplace)

This hands-on, project-based course is designed for students planning to enter an occupation or apprenticeship in manufacturing directly after graduation. Students will work on a variety of manufacturing projects, developing knowledge and skills in design, fabrication, and problem solving and using tools and equipment such as engine lathes, milling machines, and welding machines. In addition, students may have the opportunity to acquire industry-standard certification and training. Students will develop an awareness of environmental and societal issues related to manufacturing and will learn about secondary school pathways that lead to careers in the industry.

Prerequisite: None

Recommended Prerequisite: TMJ2O, Manufacturing Technology, Grade 10

TMJ4E Manufacturing Technology, Grade 12 (Workplace)

This project-driven, hands-on course builds on students' experiences in manufacturing technology. Students will further develop knowledge and skills related to the use of engine lathes, milling machines, welding machines, and other tools and equipment as they design and fabricate solutions to a variety of technological challenges in manufacturing. Students may also have opportunities to acquire industry-standard training and certification. Students will expand their awareness of environmental and societal issues and of career opportunities in the manufacturing industry.

Prerequisite: TMJ3E, Manufacturing Technology, Grade 11, Workplace Preparation


Transportation Technology

TTJ2O Transportation Technology, Grade 10 (Open)

This course introduces students to the service and maintenance of vehicles, aircraft, and/or watercraft. Students will develop knowledge and skills related to the construction and operation of vehicle/craft systems and learn maintenance and repair techniques. Student projects may include the construction of a self-propelled vehicle or craft, engine service, tire/wheel service, electrical/battery service, and proper body care. Students will develop an awareness of related environmental and societal issues, and will explore secondary and postsecondary pathways leading to careers in the transportation industry.

Prerequisite: None

TTJ3C Transportation Technology, Grade 11 (College)

This course enables students to develop technical knowledge and skills as they study, test, service, and repair engine, electrical, suspension, brake, and steering systems on vehicles, aircraft, and/or watercraft. Students will develop communication and teamwork skills through practical tasks, using a variety of tools and equipment. Students will develop an awareness of environmental and societal issues related to transportation, and will learn about apprenticeship and college programs leading to careers in the transportation industry.

Prerequisite: None

Recommended Prerequisite: TTJ2O, Transportation Technology, Grade 10

TTJ4C Transportation Technology, Grade 12 (College)

This course enables students to further develop technical knowledge and skills as they study, test, service, and repair engine management systems; powertrains; steering/control, suspension, brake, and body systems on vehicles, aircraft, and/or watercraft; and/or small-engine products. Students will refine communication and teamwork skills through practical tasks, using a variety of tools and equipment. Students will expand their awareness of environmental and societal issues related to transportation and their knowledge of apprenticeship and college programs leading to careers in the transportation industry.

Prerequisite: TTJ3C, Transportation Technology, Grade 11, College Preparation

TTJ4E Transportation Technology: Vehicle Maintenance, Grade 12 (Workplace)

This course introduces students to the servicing, repair, and maintenance of vehicles through practical applications. The course is appropriate for all students as a general interest course to prepare them for future vehicle operation, care, and maintenance or for entry into an apprenticeship in the motive power trades. Students will develop an awareness of environmental and societal issues related to transportation, and will learn about careers in the transportation industry and the skills and training required for them.

Prerequisite: TTJ3E, TTJ3C or TTJ3O, Transportation Technology, Grade 11
