The Guidance & Career Education Program
The Guidance and Career Education program is a vital and integral part of the secondary program. Through this program, student are given opportunities to develop the knowledge and skills that they need in order to learn effectively, to live and to work cooperatively and productively, to set goals and monitor progress and to carry out their social responsibilities. The program is delivered through different means, including classroom instruction, orientation and exit programs, on-going use of My Blueprint Education Planner, career exploration activities, and individual and short-term counselling.
A complete explanation of the goals of the guidance and career education program is described in the policy document entitles Creating Pathways to Success, Policy and Program Requirements, Kindergarten to Grade 12, 2013.
Following the Ministry mandate in Creating Pathways to Success, schools in the Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board will collaborate on the selection and development of the Education and Career/Life Planning Program Advisory Committee, whose purpose it is to advise on the development, implementation and review of a comprehensive guidance and career education program. The team will also have responsibility for implementing and reviewing the student exit survey required at the end of Grade 12.
The school's Guidance Department encourages students and parents to participate fully in the programs, workshops, lessons an d individual sessions intended to assist students in moving successfully toward their post secondary destinations. In addition, students are assisted in accessing the following community agencies and resources:
- Children's Mental Health
- Hastings and Prince Edward Counties Health Unit
- Local Police Services
- Children's Aid Society
- Youthab
- Sexual Assault Crisis Centre
- Addiction Assessment and Counselling Centre
- Three Oaks Foundation
- TriArea Medical Centre
Special Education & Support Services
Special Education provides a variety of services to students who have an Individual Education Plan (IEP). At CHS, teachers regularly review and update each student's IEP to ensure that all accommodations and/or modifications are met.
Interdepartmental Special Education Head (ISEH)
The ISEH co-ordinates student academic programs and supports, and facilitates outside agency involvement for identified CHS students. The ISEH is available on a full-time basis to assist students. Individual Education Plans are developed for all identified students and programs are implemented to facilitate each student's progress through secondary school. A major portion of special programming takes place in the regular classroom. The ISEH works closely with subject teachers to increase awareness of specific needs to match learning styles to teaching methods, and to modify content and evaluation procedures when appropriate.
Classroom Support Program (CSP)
The resource room offers individual tutoring and assistance with course work as well as skill development in areas such as reading, written language and mathematics. Assistance may include overcoming organizational difficulties, clarifying assignments or providing extra time or assistance with exams. Some students may require a regular resource period to achieve success.
Community Integration Program (CIP)
The Community Integration Program is a specialized board program for students whose placement is confirmed through the Identification, Placement, and Review (IPRC) process. Programming emphasis is on the completion of Ministry credits, Leveled Literacy Intervention reading program, development of technology skills to support learning, and work experience. Programming, accommodations and/or modifications are individualized to meet the individual needs of each student in the classroom. Students in the CIP program have the opportunity to graduate secondary school with an Ontario Secondary School Certificate (OSSC), which requires successful completion of 14 Ontario Ministry of Education credits (7 compulsory and 7 elective).
Life Skills Program (LSP)
The Life Skills program is a specialized board program for students whose placement is confirmed through the Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC) process. Students in the LSP develop the skills that they will need to transition to assisted community life after high school. The program focuses on the following areas: Functional Literacy, Functional Numeracy, Social Skills, Life Skills, Transition planning and goal setting for home and school, connecting with community agencies.
Learning Strategies Course
This course, offered at the Grade 9 level focuses on developing learning strategies what will encourage students to become better independent learners and develop their management skills. The course offers reinforcement of literacy, numeracy, communication and planning skills, and provides opportunities for students to improve their thinking skills and develop higher level analytical skills.
Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)
The Special Education Advisory Committee is a local committee mandated by the Ministry of Education, whose role is to make recommendations to the Board in an matter affecting the establishment, development and delivery of Special Education Programs and services for exceptional students.
The members of SEAC meet in order to support students with special needs, and their parents. Membership is made up of associations, parents, Board and community representatives. SEAC meetings are open to the public. Interested individuals are welcome to call any association representative or committee member listed in the Special Connections brochure, or by contacting the Special Education Department for more information.
Student Success
The goal of the Student Success Team at Central Hastings School is to provide assistance and encouragement for all students, especially students who may need support with attendance, academics, or various social and personal needs. Student Success provides a combination of direct support or instruction to these students in order to improve attendance, retention and achievement rates. The Student Success room is available to student as an alternate learning environment. Students who are working towards recovering credits or who are completing Independent Learning Courses are often assigned to the Student Success room. The room is also available for students who need extra support and/or access to a computer to complete assignments.
The Student Success Team consists of Administration, Guidance Counsellors, InterDepartmental Special Education Head, Social Worker, and the Student Success Lead Teacher. This team works closely with students and teachers, as well as parents and the community, to support meaningful learning opportunities for all students of Central Hastings School.