Health & Physical Education

Health & Physical Education

This chart maps out all the courses in the discipline and show the links between courses and the possible prerequisites for them.  It does not attempt to depict all possible movements from course to course.

Health & Phys. Ed

PPL1OHealthy Active Living Education - Recreational Program, Grade 9 (Open)

This course equips students with the knowledge and skills they need to make healthy choices now and lead healthy, active lives in the future. Through participation in a wide range of physical activities, students develop knowledge and skills related to movement competence and personal fitness that provide a foundation for active living. Students also acquire an understanding of the factors and skills that contribute to healthy development and learn how their own well-being is affected by, and affects, the world around them. Students build their sense of self, learn to interact positively with others, and develop their ability to think critically and creatively.

Prerequisite: None

PAI2O Healthy Living and Individual and Small-Group Activities - Skill Development, Competitive, Grade 10 (Open)

This course enables students to further develop the knowledge and skills they need to make healthy choices now and lead healthy, active lives in the future. Through participation in a wide range of physical activities, students develop knowledge and skills related to movement competence and personal fitness that provide a foundation for active living. Students also acquire an understanding of the factors and skills that contribute to healthy development and learn how their own well-being is affected by, and affects, the world around them. Students build their sense of self, learn to interact positively with others, and develop their ability to think critically and creatively.This course will provide an opportunity for you to develop your skills in traditional group sporting activities (e.g. basketball, volleyball, rugby, etc.) through a competitive environment. You will develop individual skills as well as learn game and team strategies. The fitness component will be addressed through individual fitness profiles.

Prerequisite: None

PPL2O  Healthy Active Living Education, Recreational Grade 10 (Open)

This course enables students to further develop the knowledge and skills they need to make healthy choices now and lead healthy, active lives in the future. Through participation in a wide range of physical activities, students develop knowledge and skills related to movement competence and personal fitness that provide a foundation for active living. Students also acquire an understanding of the factors and skills that contribute to healthy development and learn how their own well-being is affected by, and affects, the world around them. Students build their sense of self, learn to interact positively with others, and develop their ability to think critically and creatively.

Prerequisite: None

PAL2O Large Group Activities - Hockey Skills, Non-competitive, Grade 10 (Open)

This course enables students to further develop the knowledge and skills they need to make healthy choices now and lead healthy, active lives in the future. Through participation in a wide range of physical activities, students develop knowledge and skills related to movement competence and personal fitness that provide a foundation for active living. Students also acquire an understanding of the factors and skills that contribute to healthy development and learn how their own well-being is affected by, and affects, the world around them. Students build their sense of self, learn to interact positively with others, and develop their ability to think critically and creatively.

The Hockey Skills course is open to both females and males regardless of their previous hockey experience; however, basic skating skills are highly recommended. The students will receive 45 hours of on-ice skills with the focus on individual skill development and improvement. They will also experience 45 hours of off-ice fitness and skill related development using the most innovative training techniques and equipment. In-class instruction will consist of tactical development for all player positions; both offensive and defensive aspects of the game. It will also cover all components of the Healthy Active Living course. Transportation will be provided to and from the Madoc Arena. There will be a fee of at least $300 to cover ice rental and transportation expenses. This fee will include a practice jersey and an off-ice fitness t-shirt. To be eligible for this course students must pay this NON-REFUNDABLE fee.

Prerequisite: None

**This course will be offered in alternating years - it will be offered in 2023-24. It will NOT be offered in 2022-23.

PPL3O Healthy Active Living Education, Grade 11 (Open)

This course enables students to further develop the knowledge and skills they need to make healthy choices now and lead healthy, active lives in the future. Through participation in a wide range of physical activities and exposure to a broader range of activity settings, students enhance their movement competence, personal fitness, and confidence. Students also acquire an understanding of the factors and skills that contribute to healthy development and learn how their own well-being is affected by, and affects, the world around them. Students build their sense of self, learn to interact positively with others, and develop their ability to think critically and creatively.

Prerequisite: None

PAF3O Personal and Fitness Activities, Grade 11 (Open)

This course will have the same expectations as the PPL3O1 course, but will use a different focus to attain these expectations. The course will allow students to participate in a variety of aerobic and anaerobic related activities. Each student will research, design, and then implement a personal plan that will enhance his or her level of fitness. Students will participate in fitness testing, aerobic training, weight training, plyometrics and circuit training. They will also receive instruction in sport nutrition, athletic injuries, rehabilitation of injuries and sport specific training methods.

Prerequisite: None

PAI4O Healthy Living and Individual and Small-Group Activities- Leadership, Grade 12 (Open)

This course enables students to further develop the knowledge and skills they need to make healthy choices. It places special emphasis on how students can maintain the habits of healthy, active living throughout their lives as they make the transition to adulthood and independent living. Through participation in a wide range of physical activities in a variety of settings, students can enhance their movement competence, personal fitness, and confidence. Students also acquire an understanding of the factors and skills that contribute to healthy development and learn how their own well-being is affected by, and affects, the world around them. Students build their sense of self, learn to interact positively with others, and develop their ability to think critically and creatively.

This course enables students to explore the benefits of lifelong participation in active recreation and healthy leisure. It also introduces leadership and coordinating skills needed to plan, organize, and safely implement recreational events and other activities related to healthy, active living. This course also enables students to further develop the knowledge and skills they need to make healthy choices and to promote healthy active living to others around them. The course will introduce students to some areas in the following programs: college and university programs in recreation and leisure management, fitness and health promotion, and fitness leadership.

Prerequisite: None

PAL4O Large Group Activities - Hockey Skills, Competitive, Grade 12  (Open)

This course enables students to further develop the knowledge and skills they need to make healthy choices. It places special emphasis on how students can maintain the habits of healthy, active living throughout their lives as they make the transition to adulthood and independent living. Through participation in a wide range of physical activities in a variety of settings, students can enhance their movement competence, personal fitness, and confidence. Students also acquire an understanding of the factors and skills that contribute to healthy development and learn how their own well-being is affected by, and affects, the world around them. Students build their sense of self, learn to interact positively with others, and develop their ability to think critically and creatively.

The Hockey Skills course is open to both females and males regardless of their previous hockey experience; however, basic skating skills are highly recommended. The students will receive 45 hours of on-ice skills with the focus on individual skill development and improvement. They will also experience 45 hours of off-ice fitness and skill related development using the most innovative training techniques and equipment. In-class instruction will consist of tactical development for all player positioning; both offensive and defensive aspects of the game.  It will also cover all components of the Healthy Active Living course. Transportation will be provided to and from the Madoc Arena. There will be a fee of at least $300 to cover ice rental and transportation expenses. This fee will include a practice jersey and an off-ice fitness t-shirt. To be eligible for this course students must pay this NON-REFUNDABLE fee.

Prerequisite: None

**This course will be offered in alternating years - it will be offered in 2023-24. It will NOT be offered in 2022-23.

PLF4M Recreation and Healthy Active Living Leadership, Grade 12 (University/College)

This course enables students to explore the benefits of lifelong participation in active recreation and healthy leisure and to develop the leadership and coordinating skills needed to plan, organize, and safely implement recreational events and other activities related to healthy, active living. Students will also learn how to promote the benefits of healthy, active living to others through mentoring and assisting them in making informed decisions that enhance their well-being. The course will prepare students for university programs in physical education and health and kinesiology and for college and university programs in recreation and leisure management, fitness and health promotion, and fitness leadership.

Prerequisite: Any health and physical education course

PPL4O Healthy Active Living Education, Grade 12 (Open)

This course enables students to further develop the knowledge and skills they need to make healthy choices. It places special emphasis on how students can maintain the habits of healthy, active living throughout their lives as they make the transition to adulthood and independent living. Through participation in a wide range of physical activities in a variety of settings, students can enhance their movement competence, personal fitness, and confidence. Students also acquire an understanding of the factors and skills that contribute to healthy development and learn how their own well-being is affected by, and affects, the world around them. Students build their sense of self, learn to interact positively with others, and develop their ability to think critically and creatively.

Prerequisite: None

PSK4U Introductory Kinesiology, Grade 12 (University)

This course focuses on the study of human movement and of systems, factors and principles involved in human development. Students will learn about the effects of physical activity on health and performance, the evolution of physical activity and sport, and the physiological, psychological, and social factors that influence an individual’s participation in physical activity and sport. The course prepares students for university programs in physical education and health, kinesiology, health sciences, health studies, recreation, and sports administration.

Prerequisite: Any Grade 11 university or university/college preparation course in science, or any Grade 11 or 12 course in health and physical education.

** This course will be offered in alternating years- it will be offered in 2023-2024. It will NOT be offered in 2022-23.